Derek is currently a Senior Advisor in GSK Vaccines R&D and a Senior Fellow. He previously served on the Fellows Council, and he is now on the Fellows Leadership Team. Prior to Derek’s current role, he was the Global Head of Discovery Support and New Technology in GSK Vaccines. Previously, Derek was VP, Global Head of Vaccine Chemistry and Formulation for Novartis Vaccines. He has extensive experience on Vaccine Adjuvants, including R&D on several included in licensed products, and he was a member of the Team that initiated RNA vaccines in Novartis Vaccines (2009). Derek is a Fellow of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists. He was awarded the Conference Science medal of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, and the Young Investigator Research Achievement Award of the Controlled Release Society. Derek was once named as the ‘most inventive scientist’ in Chiron. Derek has 175 peer reviewed publications (h-index 100, Google Scholar), and is named inventor on >70+ patents.